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perpetual huddle

publication is a self-invasion of privacy. -marshall mcluhan

associates must stay in contact at all times in order to maintain a perpetual huddle. -officemax handbook

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

here i was at last...

oh, ed ruscha!
my best friend has an ankle tattoo
based on an ed ruscha piece.
i finally saw his work in her book
they called her styrene, etc.
the main feeling i had was a sense
that i had seen these before,
in important museums
and that now if i went
to an important museum
and saw one, i could probably
identify it at a distance
to whoever i am with.
"oh, ed ruscha!"
it reminded of when i was maybe seven
at my uncle's house, looking at his
coffee table book on impressionism.
he showed me a page full of ballerinas stretching.
"want to know a secret?" he asked.
"if you want to be cool,
when you see tutus in a picture,
say 'oh, degas!'
like you just met your best friend
after a long vacation."

see also this american life's a little bit of knowledge; modern jackass (4 1/2 minutes)


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