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perpetual huddle

publication is a self-invasion of privacy. -marshall mcluhan

associates must stay in contact at all times in order to maintain a perpetual huddle. -officemax handbook

Monday, December 18, 2006



Sunday, December 17, 2006

latest mop bandit caper a flop!

Attempted Burglary: Nov. 4, 9:20 p.m., 400 Block of Funston Avenue

A woman was at home when she heard a noise coming from her hallway. While investigating, the victim saw a mop handle sticking through her mail slot, trying to reach a foyer where her purse was. The victim yelled at the suspect, who fled the scene leaving the mop handle stuck inside of the mail slot.

-- police blotter,
the richmond review

Friday, December 15, 2006

cliff notes?

i don't know how i escaped
guy debord's the society of the spectacle
in all my media studies classes,
but since i've felt a little lost
in the spectacle myself lately
i picked it up
and i am lost in it.
i grasp at the simplest
statements. then they run on
and i realize that this man
is using words in that 60s
way that people with ideas
got to use words which
was sitting down to write
your your philosophy of
how it all works, your theory,
and just making your words
mean what what you mean,
a personal vocabulary.
this becomes nettlesome
for the rest of us when you
publish it. what does he mean
by "global" and "above"
and "life lived"? i thought,
what i need to understand
this book is a book group. no.
but a very serious book group,
with one person who knows
all about the book and things
related to the book and can
help the rest of us discuss and
understand it. so like a college
class? shit. for now i'm going
to just kind of read the words
and let them flow through
my brain and see
what catches.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

thanks for the reccomendation

The police department and the armed forces are the two arms of the power structure, the muscles of control and enforcement. They have deadly weapons with which to inflict pain on the human body. They know how to bring about horrible deaths. They have clubs with which to beat the body and the head. They have bullets and guns with which to tear holes in the flesh, to smash bones, to disable and kill. They use force, to make you do what the deciders have decided you must do.

-- eldridge cleaver,
soul on ice, 1968

I'm the decider, and I decide what is best.

-- president bush, april 2006,
on why a secretary of defense
known to sanction torture
was to remain in office

Sunday, December 10, 2006

dear santa

 a fellow homeschooler, if i ever saw onemy secret
christmas wish
is to be listening
to owen pallett
on boxing day
and it is snowing.
what's yours?

Thursday, December 7, 2006

women are funny

Nancy Pelosi Wants Congress To <i>Want</i> To Pass Bill

The Onion

Nancy Pelosi Wants Congress To Want To Pass Bill

WASHINGTON, DC—The newly elected Speaker of the House accused fellow congressmen of being "distant" and "merely placating" her.