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perpetual huddle

publication is a self-invasion of privacy. -marshall mcluhan

associates must stay in contact at all times in order to maintain a perpetual huddle. -officemax handbook

Monday, April 9, 2007

aunt flo's nut cake

journal; the short life and mysterious
death of amy zoe mason

is just as insipid as you can imagine
a mystery novel in scrapbook form
written by sisters who halfheartedly
claim they "found" it, would be.
its full of victorian etchings,
yellow lace, pressed flowers,
and vintage postage stamps,
with a "secret" plot so obvious
the clues are literally highlighted
for the reader. as i was eating
my best friend's perfect
half-vegetarian lasagna
i made her look at the book.
she quickly pointed out
that it is chock full of recipes,

and that we should make one for dessert.
we didn't. but adam gopnik's article,
cooked books, about that very trend
(elaborate food prep descriptions
and recipes in current fiction.)
popped up in the new yorker
during my after-dinner visit

to the loo. he makes a bunch
of scopious and fussy points
about cognition and cooking,
but reading between the lines
he seems to be saying
are lazy writing. in the case
of aunt flo's nut cake
i couldn't agree more.


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