sunday afternoon
one summer i lived in bellingham
in a house filled with music.
all the boys who lived there
played at least two instuments
and together they called
themselves "same as castles."
glin (the one on the left)
was one of the real
while i was staying rent free
in a largish closet, justrecuperating from school.
he'd always take breaks
from practices to follow
me out to the porch
and bum a smoke.
he made me feed
his vicious flying squirrels
when he was out of town.
he took me to my first
strip club ever... in canada.
"later days" and i haven't been able
to get the first song "disappearing trick,"
out of my head for at least a week.
i sing it in the shower and hum it on the bus.
of course the whole album makes me nostalgic,
but i think i can assume it should
make anyone feel something like nostalgia
even if they've never cannonballed
into toad lake on a hot sunday afternoon.