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perpetual huddle

publication is a self-invasion of privacy. -marshall mcluhan

associates must stay in contact at all times in order to maintain a perpetual huddle. -officemax handbook

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

wacky hometown crap i can't afford

the cubes copy center
the new archie mcphee
catalogue made me nostalgic,
but not for its hometown
and mine, seattle, washington.
no, i got all misty-eyed
at the memory of cold hard cash.
you see, when i was slaving over
that million-dollar print account
at officemax i wanted to buy "the cubes"
copy center extension set, as a funny gift
for each of the employees i managed.
we were all busting our asses
for a soulless corporation,
why not treat them to a laugh?
but i was "too broke," so i was "saving up."
since i lost that job, rather unceremoniously,
i've learned that "broke" isn't
having your overtime capped
before it becomes double-time,
or thinking about diverting
a few bucks of the eating-out budget
into a crap-for-co-workers fund.
broke is commuting an hour
each way in opposite directions
on public transportation
to your two part-time jobs.
it's paying over twice the taxes,
because you're technically "self-employed,"
while "saving up" for next month's bus pass
and the fee you'll need to pay
for a california state i.d.
then again, i don't work for officemax anymore!


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